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Building trust with a modern, easy-to-use whistleblowing system

Is your whistleblowing system a mailbox next to the main entrance? How many people have access to highly confidential information about wrongdoing in the company? Receptionists, mailroom staff, system administrators?

A smart module designed around your efficiency

It is in the interest of every company management to receive whistleblowing information first, as it can be highly explosive. It is essential to guarantee that the reporting channel is as secure and accessible as possible for the whistleblower. With a modern solution such as the AKARION GRC Cloud, you gain a tool that not only guarantees the absolute protection of your data thanks to cutting-edge technologies, but also provides the whistleblower with a barrier-free platform on which they can communicate with you anonymously and bidirectionally.

highly customisable forms Our highly customisable and unlimited forms allow you to receive the right information in a targeted manner. As an illustration, you may wish to utilise one form for internal notifications and another for external notifications. Incoming reports can be pre-defined and assigned to the relevant employee via a task.  
clever features The system boasts a multitude of features, including a translation function, a built-in audio player for submitted voice messages and the ability to create incidents from messages and handle them. This ensures that information never leaves the GRC cloud, preventing it from multiplying uncontrollably in mailboxes or on file servers.  
10min-system The system can be up and running in less than ten minutes, allowing you to quickly and easily publish a modern whistleblowing system on your internet or intranet site.  

We conducted an extensive review of whistleblowing solutions, and found that none of them matched the comprehensive and compelling offering from AKARION. The high degree of customisation in the design, adaptable sample forms and texts, combined with the straightforward setup and integration into our IT infrastructure, made AKARION the clear choice for our whistleblowing platform.

Sabine KonradHead of Legal at Anyline

In our search for an appropriate whistleblowing system, we evaluated a number of solutions, including Akarion's, and ultimately selected it as the most suitable option. We were able to test the tool in advance at our leisure. It is designed to be user-friendly, and we found the support to be excellent. Furthermore, the implementation was very quick and uncomplicated. In conclusion, we are highly satisfied with this solution and would recommend it to other parties.

Michael BeckaData Protection Manager at Austrian Bundesforste

As an internal whistleblowing officer for SMEs in the social economy sector, I was immediately impressed by the straightforward mapping of the reporting forms and the rapid, intuitive operation. Akarion's whistleblowing module is an efficient solution for the Whistleblower Protection Act and is therefore recommended for anyone looking for a similar system.

Patrick Knittel
Patrick KnittelDirector & Data Protection & Compliance Officer

The digital channel for efficiency

Many companies have an inefficient, costly and time-consuming whistleblowing process. You have to contact an ombudsman by phone or letter. Some employees prefer to report grievances anonymously. For companies with several locations, sending reports to the right office is also difficult and time-consuming. A software solution for all departments can make the process more efficient. A digital whistleblowing system like the GRC Cloud is often the key to a successful compliance culture. Try it today!


Meet the requirements of suppliers

More and more companies want their suppliers to follow the EU Whistleblower Directive. This is to ensure that all reports are followed up in full confidentiality. As a service provider, you can complete this process quickly and easily. Try our Whistleblowing module!


Anonymous, two-way communication

The fact that a person who wants to report a grievance to you remains anonymous represents a challenge, but encrypting messages accordingly is a relatively straightforward process. However, you also want to be able to ask questions and provide information on the status of the process if necessary. To do this, you need to have an anonymous two-way channel through which the person who reported the incident can also enquire about the processing status. This is transparent and builds trust. Demonstrate that you have effective compliance processes in place and can be trusted – with the whistleblowing module.

Whistleblowing Formular EN (1)

Features Overview

The Whistleblowing module compiles everything you need for an anonymous whistleblowing system
Location-independent and separated by client

Manage all reports clearly in one central location - separately for each company if required thanks to client separation - and document the entire whistleblowing process in a clear and traceable manner. Thanks to the SaaS model, you not only remain location-independent, but also reduce the risk of internal administrative access to the reported incidents.

Integrated, holistic compliance

The module includes a comprehensive set of tools to help you set up an efficient whistleblower system that complies with the EU Whistleblower Directive and can be easily integrated into the existing compliance landscape. The follow-up measures can be combined with the Data Protection and/or Information Security modules of the Akarion GRC Cloud.

Everything at a glance

Generate reports and documentation in seconds, such as a full internal report on the whistleblowing system. The information output can be customised. You can also create your own dashboards for each client and, depending on your permissions, maintain an overview of all clients.

Extensive Templates library

Save time with the extensive library of templates for reporting forms, actions, form fields, incident categories, etc. You can also create your own templates for your reporting forms of different categories and ensure the same level of compliance within your group or more efficiently handle your mandates as an advisor/ombudsman.

Rights and roles concept

Only authorised staff have access to the reports. This ensures the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower and any third parties mentioned. Authorised persons can log in remotely via a secure connection. This ensures that the need-to-know principle is respected in all situations.

Want to find out more? Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Shared by all GRC Cloud modules

Our commitment to you is to provide user-friendly solutions that enable comprehensive GRC management in a convenient, cost-effective manner, ensuring the highest standards of data integrity. 
PLUG N PLAY APPROACH The AKARION GRC Cloud is designed for immediate use, with no need for setup. Our expert colleagues will train you on how to optimally adapt the modules for your needs, then implement your compliance management directly on our side at no additional cost. This efficient, resource-saving approach allows you to manage your compliance requirements effectively.
INTUITIVITY All modules are designed with user guidance that is highly intuitive, allowing users to navigate the Compliance Cloud with minimal training. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive help centre, offering additional information in the form of videos and descriptions. Our objective is to guarantee that you can derive maximum benefit from the Compliance Cloud, thanks to the high level of convenience offered by all modules and the highly intuitive user interface.
MODULARITY The GRC Cloud offers a simple, modular structure that allows you to manage different compliance aspects with just one solution. This holistic approach allows you to avoid redundancies and contradictions, exploit synergies effectively and save time, costs and effort.
MULTITENANCY It is possible to manage subsidiaries and branches separately in each module, regardless of whether you work in a group or as a consultant managing multiple clients. It is possible to logically separate all companies from one another, and to monitor clients and companies via a central dashboard, should this be required.
TEMPLATE SYSTEM The extensive cross-module and cross-client template system in all modules allows users to save time. This feature of the GRC Cloud allows users to work more efficiently, particularly in the context of complex company and group structures.
DASHBOARDS Use customisable dashboards to maintain a comprehensive overview of critical data pertaining to all compliance matters within your company or group. Additionally, you can monitor time-critical processes, key performance indicators, security incidents and outstanding tasks.
REPORTING The GRC Cloud allows users to create bespoke reports across all modules and compliance topics, providing a comprehensive overview of all processed data. Generate reports and documentation with a single click, such as a comprehensive overview of your business processes or processing activities. Ensure you are always prepared for inspections by authorities, clients, etc. by issuing comprehensive reports and gain a quick and easy overview.
TASK MANAGEMENT The event-related task management functionality enables collaboration with both internal colleagues and external experts in the system. The system allows users to assign tasks, define deadlines and responsibilities, and set notifications based on individually defined parameters. The Compliance Cloud facilitates teamwork in compliance management.
INTERNATIONALITY The modules are designed for multilingual use and feature automated translation into over 23 languages (including DE, EN, FR, IT), regardless of the location or languages spoken in your organisation. This enables every user in the system to work in their preferred language with a single click. Furthermore, the system is capable of mapping a wide range of national and international standards, including those related to data protection law.
HOSTING & SECURITY We aim to demonstrate to you that you can rely on us when it comes to security. This is why we have been certified in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013, and our systems have been subjected to a penetration test by independent experts. Furthermore, our web-based application is hosted exclusively in Germany. There is no requirement for installation at your premises.