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Akarion AG

Registered place of business:
Lilienthalallee 34
80939 Munich


P: +49 89 628 265 64

Chairman: Christoph Kröger (CEO)
Chairman of the board: Michael Drettmann

VAT: DE319895450
Commercial register Munich: HRB 241858
Place of jurisdiction: Munich

Member of following societies:


  • The German Association for Data Protection and Data Security (GDD)

  • Allianz für Cyber Security by the German Federal Office for Information Security

  • The Bavarian Employers’ Associations for the Metalworking and Electrical Industries (bayme vbm)

  • German Blockchain Association (Bundesblock)

  • Bitkom - Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media

  • German Association of Law and Informatics (DGRI)

  • German Institute for Compliance e.V. (DICO)

  • German Association of IT SMEs (BITMi)

  • Secure.Bayern e.V.i Dree

Akarion GmbH

Tabakfabrik Linz
Peter-Behrens-Platz 4
4020 Linz

P: +49 89 628 265 64

CEO: Christoph Kröger

VAT: ATU72699234
Company register: FN 480226 s
Place of jurisdiction: Linz

The Akarion GmbH is a 100% owned subsidiary of the Akarion AG.

Object of the company:


  • Management consultancy including business organization (GISA 30137837)

  • Services in automatic data processing and information technology (GISA 30137905)


Member of following societies:



Media owner: Akarion GmbH
Website implementation: Akarion GmbH

Terms of Service

The general terms and conditions for business consultants (Professional association for business consulting, accounting and information technology) apply in its current version. If necessary, additional individual provisions in framework contracts or Service agreements of Akarion GmbH will be applied.

Liability Disclaimer

On our website you will find references (hyperlinks) to other sites on the internet. We have no influence whatsoever on the design or the contents of any of these external sites. Therefore, we assume no responsibility for the content and design of these pages.

This declaration applies to all external references displayed on our website.

By providing such links, Akarion GmbH does not give its approval to their contents. Neither does Akarion GmbH accept any responsibility for the availability or the contents of such websites or any liability for damage or injury resulting from the use of such contents in any form. Users access such websites at their own risk. The choice of links should in no way restrict users to the linked pages.


The contents, including images and the design of the Akarion website, are subject to copyright protection and other laws protecting intellectual property irrespective of any designation (e.g. ©, ®, or ™ signs).

Duplication of the documents is permitted only for personal and informative use. Any other duplication, distribution, reproduction, transmission, or other use including the use of texts, parts of texts, images, or software that may directly or indirectly be retrieved from the Akarion GmbH website is not permitted without the prior written consent of Akarion GmbH.

Changing the contents of the webpages is not permitted. Use of this website does not grant license to use intellectual property of Akarion GmbH. Unless stated otherwise, all trademarks used on the Akarion GmbH website are protected under trademark law. This applies in particular to corporate logos and hallmarks.